Tuesday, May 31, 2011

hari guru ! ^_^

hey guys!..

halluuu.. ^_^ *wink wink
aku terlebih excited ni!..yeay!!!
blog dah boleh buka..oke relax relax..heee
hampir seminggu aku tunggu..

jom kita mulakan cerita. . . .
now aku nak story apa yang jadi time sambutan hari guru kat sekolah aku jumaat lepas..
normal la kan..sambutan hari guru,sure untuk cikgu cikgu tersayang!.. tak kan la untuk aku pulak!.. :P
hehe time hari guru aku and beberapa orang kawan aku berlakon lagi!..
act, tak plan pun nak berlakon time hari guru ni...mengejut je!...
kali ni kteowang berlakon dalam lagu..haa! macam mana  tu???..
suka hati aku je kan nak bagi istilah ni,hahax..!
..act,kteowg just 'menumpang' persembahan orang lain..diowang nyanyi then aku dengan kawan kawan aku berlakon..
just a simple drama...hadoi!! spontan pulak tu..nasib baik ta de masalah..
main redah je dialog..tehee~~

macam macam aktiviti juga la yang ada..persembahan pelajar and cikgu,games
and kalau kowang nak tahu,karaoke pun ada tau!..hahax..kalau aku la nyanyi,
sure hujan lebat 'gile' !..hehee

oke la..nah !! kowang tengok la apa yang kteowang buat ni..
jangan nak menyampah pulak ek.. :P





singing n acting.. :D

For teaching children lessons,
To help them as they grow,
Let this gift remind you,
You're the best teacher we know!

I Love You..!
Saya SAYANG cikgu cikgu saya !

Monday, May 23, 2011

Surprise.. !!

hye readers!...

kowang kowang nak tau tak??..
tadi kan..kawan kawan aku buat surprise party untuk aku,
just a simple party..but,'GEMPAX GiLE'..!!
act,ni untuk celebrate birthday aku..bukan aku je..
kteowang celebrate birthday M'Mey,Akmal..and Yugen jugak!
tapi yang tak best nye,,..Yugen ta datang pun..
oke la...tak apa..maybe dia busy kot :)
kteowang celebrate kat KFC,Tasek...

mula mula aku ingat diowang nak belanja aku KFC je..
rupa rupanya,diowang dah plan macam macam untuk aku.
mula tu time aku nak beli makanan,ada je yang halang..at last aku beli sendiri gak.
then,time aku nak duduk je..tiba tiba diowang nyanyi lagu HAPPY BIRTHDAY..wah!!!
pastu sofea masuk bawa kek coklat...hehee
terharu gilee la tadi..nasib tak nangis,kalau tak maluu je owang tengok :P

lepas makan..kteowang pun buat la aktiviti wajib kteowang!
..hehe..snap gambar banyak banyak la..,hahax..!
pastu pastu pastu,..hehe,tak habis lagi ni..
kteowang jalan kaki balik semula ke sekolah!...

oke!..sampai je kat sekolah..aku bergambar dengan Dayah and Izatti,
time tu la..kawan kawan aku yang KEJAM ni,
baling tepung 'gile berlambak' kat Muka aku yang tak berapa nak putih ni..
hadoi!!!..sakit mata tau tak??..muka hitam pun putih je,hahax!,..
tapi tak pe la..kowang dah plan macam macam untuk aku ,aku relakan je la...
suda suda!
kalau nak story lagi memang tak akan habis la..
kowang tengok je la gambar gambar ni oke! ^_^

sweet 17

sayang kowang

tepung oh tepung !..

hadiah!!..thanx kawan.. :)

kawan kawan ku sayang..thanx sangat sangat sebab kowang selalu buat aku happy..
aku sayang kowang!....
jangan tinggalkan aku tau..
love love love..

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Happy Teachers Day...

cikgu cikgu sekolah rendah :)


Thank you for being such wonderful teachers,
exemplary role models, and caring people. Thank you
for knowing your subjects and sharing your knowledge.
Thank you for not being afraid to treat students like real people.
Thank you for showing acceptance,
approval, and appreciation. These are all gifts that are
so important to a student's development and that your students
will always remember, just as they will also
Remember you.
Words of encouragement, a little respect, simple gestures
of kindness from a teacher promote the perfect
climate for students to study, learn and grow.
Your attitude translates into a spirit of friendliness and
good will towards others in an atmosphere of creative
freedom, joy and ease, and you foster this feeling in your
I salute the good work you've done. I appreciate the people you
are, and I think you for your positive influence. You have passed
on invaluable instruction and wisdom and created pleasurable
moments associated with learning that will
Always be sweet memories.
Thank you for answering the call to be teachers.
Thank you for the enduring impression you've made
In the lives you have touched.
Every community needs people like you.
Your contributions are immeasurable.
Your lessons are permanent.
You improve our world.
You are so important.

primary school: SK Sri kinta
secondary school:SMK Tasek Damai

p/s: sorry gambar 'blur'

Pening kepala..
need a friend now...

Sunday, May 8, 2011

I Love U Mama.. !

Mama...selamat hari ibu..!!
I lovE you so much mama..
You are the greatest mother in the entire world.. ^_^

terima kasih sebab jaga kakak..
terima kasih sebab selalu ada untuk dengar cerita cerita kakak..
terima kasih sebab buat kakak happy..
terima kasih sebab bagi segala-galanya untuk kakak..
terima kasih sebab mama sentiasa beri kebahagiaan dalam hidup kakak !!.. ^_^

thanks  mama... a lot of love for you  !!

The moment a child is born, the mother is also born.  She never existed before.  The woman existed, but the mother, never.  A mother is something absolutely new.