Thursday, March 8, 2012

appreciate every moment ..

hye semua ! :)

.everything happen for the reason
sometimes people come into your life and you know right away that they were meant to be there
they serve some sort of purpose,teach u a lesson or help figure out who u are or who u want to become
u never know who these people
maybe your roommate,neighbour,long lost fren,lover,or even a complete stranger
when u lock eyes with them
u know that very moment that they will affect ur your life in some other way
and sometime things happen to you and at the time they seem horrible,painful,and unfair
but in reflection u realize that without overcoming those obstacle
u would never have realised your potential ,strenght and power of heart
everything happens for the reason
nothing happens by chances or by means of good or bad luck
illness,injury,love,lost moments or true greatness and sheer stupidity
all occur to test the limits of soul
without ths small test
if they be events.illnesses or relationships
life would be like a smooth paved,straight,flat road to nowhere
safe and comfortable but dull and utterly pointless
the people u meet who affect ur life and successes and downfalls u experience,
they are the ones who create who u are
even the bad experience can be learned from
those lesson are the hardest and probably the most important ones
if sumone hurts u,betrays u,or breaks ur heart..forgive them
for they have helped u learnt about trust
and the importance of being cautious to whom u open ur heart
if sumones loves u,love them back unconditionally
not only bcos they love u
but bcos they are teaching u to love and opening ur hearts and eyes
to things u would never seen or felt without them
make every day count
appreciate every moment and take for it everything
that u possibly can for u may never be able to experienced it again..(copy paste)

Bila kita ada masalah..kita hiraukan segala nasihat orang lain..sebab kita rasa mereka tak faham masalah kita..sebenarnye bukan mereka yg tak faham,tapi diri kita sendiri tak boleh nak terima kenyataan .. :)

#normal la,fikiran tengah bercelaru kan..tapi lama2 nanti oke ♥
Allah kan ada...^_^


  1. yup..betul uh..bile ade masalh ni terasa semua nk slhkn kite je..

  2. cik ika : kannnnnnnn... sabar je la :)

    amy : hehee..tq !

  3. a'ah... biasa la tu... time2 celaru mmg tak boleh fikir apa2

  4. nurul ain : betul betul..thanks sudi komen :)

  5. hi..sudi2x lh dtg melawat..

  6. miss bulan: ..oke kmu :D tq komen yeaaa


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