hye semua :)
still dalam minggu exam, so update cecepat..hehee..rindu blog..tinggal lagi 2 paper and lepas exam Syira nak blogwalking komen komen blog korang :D tunggu !!
doakan Syira cemerlang ye exam ni ^_^
“Hate no one, no matter how much they’ve wronged you.
Live humbly, no matter how wealthy you become.
Think positively, no matter how hard life is.
Give much, even if you’ve been given little.
Keep in touch with the ones who have forgotten you,
and forgive who has wronged you,
and do not stop praying for the best, for those you love.”
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RM20 *tidak termasuk postage

Yeah! ena suka entry ni, bagi ena keep in positive... hehehe
all the best Syira :) selamat tahun baru
Oh ya buku tu dah sampai, belum post lagi.. nanti Yun Sing post dan tag ye ^^
huhu chaiyuk kak!!
all the best utk exam sis. :)
All the best Syira
betul betul, doa itu penting untuk beri kita semangat bagi menempuh hari hari yang bakal menjelma
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