hye semua :)
Don't scream because it's sooooo PINK!
Happy Birthday Althea Korea #AltheaTurns1
sign up now to get RM15 credit guys ! KLIK -
Althea Korea is turning 1 today!! yeayyy !! jauhnya parcel Syira kali ni..jauh dari KOREA :D
hehee...excited dapat parcel comel ni. Siapa suka produk korea ?? :D jom follow @altheakorea
hehee...excited dapat parcel comel ni. Siapa suka produk korea ?? :D jom follow @altheakorea
and shopping pelbagai produk kecantikan korea dengan harga yang superbb jimat ! confirm rambang mata nak pilih. All KBeauty shoppers, head to althea korea website now as they are having a lot of fun things there - sales, contests with awesome prizes and many moreee!!!
Setiap pembelian dapat kotak pink comel macam ni, suka tak ??
Syira dah dapat Syira punya :D
yeayyy ! :D excitednya sebab dapat box pink yang comel ni ! @altheakorea punya birthday, syira yang dapat hadiah ! hehee.. Thank you @altheakorea for the gift !! ^_^
taraaaa..comel kan ?? so in love with #altheakorea ! Syira dapat 9 barang :D
Nak tahu apa syira borong di Althea korea :D tadaaa...wohooo..ada list !
- Aloe Vera 92% Soothing Gel
- Witch's Pouch Selfie Cushion Glow Tint Bar
- Super Volcanic Pore Clay Mask
- Aloe Vera 92% Soothing Gel Mist
- Perfume Hand Cream
- Rice Wash Off Mask
- Panda's Dream Eye Patch x2
- Under Eye Brightener
Syira dah guna rice wash off mask serius terbaikkkk !! lepas ni kalau nak beli lagi, syira nak beli 2, mama pun suka, kulit lembap, pori pori kurang, warna kulit makin sekata. Super volcanic pore clay mask pun dah guna tapi tiada kesan sangat pada muka. Under eye brightener memang tutup lingkaran gelap bawah mata and harga murah oke :D Tint bar syira ambil warna pink, lembut je color dia, nampak sweet and perfume hand cream tu syira pilih lavender..wohooo..wangi okeee !! .. yang lain-lain belum pakai lagi..syok laa..tau tak sekarang ni hari-hari syira buka laman web Althea sibuk mencari nak beli apa lagi harga tak mahal sangat..walaupun ni kira pertama kali Syira shopping di Althea, tapi nak puji servis terbaik and produk dia memikat hatikuuuu ini.. :P
Althea's Birthday Celebration 20th - 31st July, 2016
Limited Edition Birthday Box + DIY Party Kit
For orders placed on 20/7 onwards. While stocks last.
Free Goodies for first 1,500 shoppers
Full size beauty products. While stocks last.
Birthday Giveaway. Pick 3 Top Sellers for 100% REBATE!
Rebate will be credited into your account.
For orders placed on 20/7 onwards. While stocks last.
Free Goodies for first 1,500 shoppers
Full size beauty products. While stocks last.
Birthday Giveaway. Pick 3 Top Sellers for 100% REBATE!
Rebate will be credited into your account.
Jom sertai #AltheaTurns1 Instagram Contest
- Got your Althea party kit? Wish us a happy birthday with #altheaturns1 and stand a chance to win amazing prizes such as Macbook Air, Ipad Air 2, iPhone 6S, Galaxy S6 Edge, Canon EOS M10 Selfie Camera, Althea credits and beauty hampers from Althea!
- Prizes total worth KRW10,000,000 to be won.
- Contest starts from 20th July - 15th August, 2016.

DONT MISS OUT @altheakorea BIRTHDAY PROMOTION !! Starting todayyyyy :D
sign up now to get RM15 credit guys ! KLIK - (daftar guna link ni and dapat FREE RM15 credit)
*Terms and conditions apply. Please refer to and Althea Facebook for more information.

semua shopping kat ALTHEA..sakan yer shopping..ehehe
memang rambang mata online dekat althea
wah bestnya.. mesti kena cuba ni...
bestnya hadiah2 tuh!!
selamat hari raya syira... BW sini nnt jemput ke 'umah' ye...tqvm
wahhhhhh, bestnya ! kak syiera, feel free to visit my blog, ada entry baru and komen satu pun jadiklah . hehe <3
Loving your haul! Omg! Yang tu Missha Concealer kan? Murahhhhh menyesalnya tak beli 1 hari tu. Huhuh. I'm sure you gonna love the Skinfood wash off mask. I selalu guna tu as scrub, and it's definitely my most favourite <3
ieyra h. | blog
@ieyra h.
yes ! dua2 dah guna..memang terbaikkk..rasa nak shopping lagi di althea, nak beli skin food rice tu duaaa :D
@luqman zakaria HEHEHE...dapat gift syok laa
@Nadia Johari kannn..rasa nak beli lagi !!
@Myhara Muslimah try la tengok, mesti rasa nak beli jugaaa..syira first time pun syokk
@Ibu Ilyanie(s) rezeki :) terima kasih, selamat hari raya!
@noor haneem bt mohamad bokhri kenapa tak boleh buka blog awak ye ?
comel aje box tu
pink lagi...hehe
tak berapa nak muda, tak beli dah make up...hehe
terasa nak shopping lagi la kat Althea nie :D
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