People say by thinking too much , you’ll become a coward.
You’re scared to face your fears and your failure.
So, believe in yourself.
Try and work hard, don’t let anybody stop you, and be the best !
I may only be one person, but I can be one person who makes a difference.
From this day on... when I look back on the past... I will smile... and say to myself... I never thought I could do it... but I did... I overcame all the people who tried to bring me down.. ^_^

Be the best persoN~~
Be the confident self.
Ignore the others,
please yourself, and only you :)
prove to them that you can do it :)
nice one dear
people are getting more matured.
jadilah diri sendiri,
kita takkan rasa rugi :)
Yana :oke dear! :)
Amalina : yes..only me ^_^
Lisa: yea..i will honey! ^_^
Nurulbadiah: tq akak ^_^
Nana: yea :D hehe
Ahsfantasy: betul tu..setuju! :D
the only person who can care bout us is our own self.. :)
teruskan melangkah dengan penuh kekuatan :)
cinta siswi : yea! u'r right :D
eruzuliyana : i will! tq kmu ! selalu komen ^_^
cinta siswi : yea! u'r right :D
eruzuliyana : i will! tq kmu ! selalu komen ^_^
betul tu... kite kne yakin dgn dri sndri.. n kite amek iktibar dgn tguran org lain... semoga kita mnjadi manusia yg berjaya di dunia n akhirat.. amin
lady aina : tq akak ^_^ you're right !
salam...akak singgah ke sini...wahhhh!!!cantinyer bloggg
no ordinary mom : salam...tq ! :D hehe...biasa je laa..hehe..thanks yea ^_^
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